How to use this site
Welcome to Fantastic Fridges! This website is designed by the Institute of Refrigeration - the UK professional body of refrigeration engineering experts - to raise awareness of the contribution of refrigeration science and principles to our world today. It provides SCIENCE, CAREERS and SKILLS content.
Refrigeration science and principles make a massive contribution to our world today - but most people never noticed it! This website explores the science, technology, engineering and mathematical principles that underlie refrigeration processes. The website provides up to date real information about how these scientific principles are applied in the real world of refrigeration and air conditioning.
The content supports the delivery of the national curriculum at KS2-4 in areas of Science and crosses over into Environment, History and Careers. It uses games, video content and encouragement for students to design their own experiments to make learning interactive and engaging. It links to the Gatsby Career Benchmarks by supporting your careers programme, providing information for students to learn from career and labour market information, links the curriculum for science to careers, provides encounters with employers and experiences with profiles of people working in the sector now. Fantastic Fridges and our Cool For School competition will help you deliver Science-Careers-Skills.
Use our science and careers pages, and then encourage your students to enter our Cool For School video competition so that they can do their own investigations, plan and deliver content and maybe even win one of four science kit prizes for your school!
We can also help you to make contact with local businesses, supermarkets and factories to arrange field trips where your students will be able to see refrigeration technologies at work.
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